Arika Moore Patneaude, MSW, LICSW, APHSW-C
Arika Moore Patneaude is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker, Mental Health Professional, Ethnic Minority Mental Health Specialist and Cambia Sojourn Scholar. She has worked extensively in social services since 1992, including adult mental health, homeless housing services, medical social work including cardiac intensive care, solid organ transplant, grief and bereavement, ethics and pediatric palliative care. Ms. Moore Patneaude was born into a family that not only valued but actively engaged in social justice. It was here that her deep foundation for engaging in culturally responsive care and challenging systems of oppression was defined and solidified.
Ms. Moore Patneaude is a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University Of Washington School Of Social Work, a Clinical Ethicist, and the Director of the Bioethics, Palliative Care and Journey Grief Support Programs at Seattle Children’s Hospital. Additionally, Ms. Patneaude provides consultation and coaching to individuals and programs on engaging in culturally responsive practice across settings.
Ms. Moore Patneaude has been a nationally and internationally invited lecturer, keynote speaker and panel member on such topics as supporting patients and families at the end of life, personhood in ethics and palliative care, cultural humility, and cultural responsiveness in healthcare, inclusive of ethics, palliative care, mental health and grief and bereavement.
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Role of the Social Worker on the Interdisciplinary Team