Karyn Collins, MPA
Karyn Collins has more than 25 years of experience in health care as a writer, editor, administrator, and communications officer. Her work has been focused on innovative health care projects and special patient populations. As a consultant for CAPC, she oversees the presentation and speaking outreach initiative and provides support to the CAPC Foundation Development Team. Her palliative care experience includes serving as the communications officer, as well as the director of operations and communications, for Promoting Excellence in End-of-Life Care, a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) program. Prior to joining RWJF, Ms. Collins was executive director and director of planning and development for Partnership Health Center, a Federally Qualified Health Center in Missoula, Montana. Besides her extensive experience as a grant writer and reviewer, she has edited and/or coauthored several national publications as well as peer-reviewed journal articles and helped develop palliative care learning tracks for national conferences. She has worked as a writer and consultant for several national organizations, including Social Solutions International, the Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation, and the RWJF Grants Results Reporting Unit. In addition, she served for five years as technical editor for the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute on Drug Abuse Community Epidemiology Work Group. Ms. Collins earned her Master of Public Administration degree from the University of Montana and her undergraduate degree from Whitman College in Washington State.