
Lynn Hill Spragens, MBA

Lynn Spragens is founder and partner with Spragens & Gualtieri-Reed, a national consulting firm located in North Carolina that specializes in business planning for innovative programs in palliative care and geriatrics. Her personal goal is the development of programs that are well integrated into organizational strategy, meet business requirements, and serve the expanding market need for care to the severely ill and aging population. Ms. Spragens’ work includes more than 20 years as a consultant to the Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC). She serves as faculty for CAPC and is the author of many business tools and curriculum utilized by the organization. She has worked as a consultant for the design and implementation of numerous hospital, community, and health system palliative care programs.

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Making the Case for Palliative Care: Demonstrating Value through Measurement

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Santiago Lopez

From the Blog

Payment and Program Financing

Everything You Always Wanted to Know about RVUs But Were Afraid to Ask

Exploring the history and mechanics of relative value units (RVUs) to demystify and support constructive use.


Leadership Tips: Preparing for a Stressful Budget Season

Budget season and business planning are often stressful for palliative care leaders. Find practical guidance for planning forward during the pandemic.


Needs Assessment for the Hospital Palliative Care Program

Evaluating patient need, service requirements, and stakeholder priorities for the inpatient program.

Hospital Palliative Care Program Design

Incorporating needs assessment and stakeholder priorities into design of a high-quality inpatient program.

Building the Business Plan for Your Hospital Program

Building a budget and a business plan for the inpatient program. Includes business planning tools.

Payment, billing, and fundraising tools for inpatient and community-based palliative care programs. Includes 21 resources.
Resources for palliative care programs working with payers and other financial collaborators, including contracting resources. Includes 14 resources.
Strategic planning for program growth, including making the case, demonstrating value, and strengthening relationships with partners. Includes 22 resources.
Toolkit containing guidance on organizing a health system palliative care initiative, including the CAPC tools and resources that can be used to support a palliative care strategy. Includes 7 resources.
Tools and technical assistance for starting or expanding a hospital palliative care service. Includes 25 resources.
Tools for business planning, developing a program budget, and billing for pediatric palliative care services. Includes 14 resources.
A process and tools for stabilizing and strengthening palliative care programs during COVID-19. Includes 6 resources.
Toolkit for building a business plan and budget, forming financial partnerships, and operating the program efficiently. Includes 31 resources.
Tools for translating operational and service decisions into a realistic budget and business plan. Includes 10 resources.
Tools to develop financial partnerships including: making the case, contracting considerations, and how to use legal and financial advisers. Includes 25 resources.

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