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Victoria Leff, MSW, LCSW, APHSW-C

Vickie Leff is a Palliative Care Consultant and an Adjunct Instructor at the UNC School of Social Work, Chapel Hill. Recently she served as the Executive Director of SWHPN and prior to that as the Executive Director of the Advanced Palliative Care & Hospice Social Work Certification (APHSW) board. With over thirty-five years of clinical practice experience in oncology, palliative care, and hospice, Vickie presents on topics such as moral distress and resilience to several national educational organizations and institutions.

Vickie’s work has been published in Health Affairs, the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (JPSM), Journal of Palliative Medicine, and other journals with a focus on moral distress and resilience. She is on the editorial board of Social Work in Health Care Journal. She is an editor of the book Mirrors & Windows: Reflections of the Journey in Serious Illness Practice and co-author of Helping Children Cope when Someone they Love has a Serious Illness. Vickie earned her Master of Social Work from Simmons School of Social Work.

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How to Hold Well-Being Debriefings at Your Organization

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Let’s Make Staff Well-Being Debriefings Part of the Health Care Culture

Clinicians who care for people living with serious illness, and their families, benefit from routine, peer-facilitated opportunities to discuss the impact of the work.


Debriefing with Staff During COVID-19

Clinicians on the front lines need a safe outlet to talk about the feelings resulting from their work – peer-facilitated debriefings can help.

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