Allison Silvers 2023

Allison Silvers, MBA

Allison Silvers has been with CAPC since 2016, working to integrate palliative care into population health and value-driven strategies. In this time, Ms. Silvers has educated payers and policymakers on both the value of palliative care and the key strategies that ensure access and quality, while also educating palliative care programs on opportunities under value-based payment. Since 2016, Ms. Silvers has:

  • Created and led CAPC’s Payment Accelerator, providing a full-day workshop and a suite of 25 tools to assist programs in finding payment opportunities and operating efficiently under fixed payment models;
  • Co-led the Serious Illness Quality Alignment Hub, convening experts across the public and private sectors to define high-impact, feasible requirements and incentives for access to high-quality palliative care;
  • Created a toolkit to help health care purchasers improve the care of their seriously ill plan participants;
  • Created and led three Learning Communities for health plans, accountable care organizations (ACOs), and Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) programs, combining educational events and new tools that expedite the adoption of CAPC’s recommended strategies; and
  • Actively participated in advocacy efforts of the National Coalition for Hospice and Palliative Care (NCHPC) to improve Medicare payment and alternative payment models.

Prior to joining CAPC, Ms. Silvers served as the chief strategy officer for VillageCare, where she oversaw a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Health Care Innovation Award to improve treatment adherence for people living with HIV/AIDS, along with leading a Medicare Bundled Payments for Care Improvement (BCPI) initiative for post-acute services. In previous roles at VillageCare, she secured Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Level III accreditation for a primary care center and directed community case management programs that aimed to reduce morbidity and disability among isolated seniors. She also helped launch two health insurance programs: a Medicaid managed long-term care plan and a start-up commercial plan offered on the New York State marketplace; and has served as the long-term care subject matter expert for the New York State Commission on Health Care Facilities in the 21st Century.

Ms. Silvers holds an MBA from Yale University, a BS in economics from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, as well as a Geriatric Scholar Certificate from the City University of New York.

Selected Publications:

  • Silvers A, Fields T, Kariuki F, et al. Exploring best practices in serious illness care for Medicare Advantage and accountable care organizations. Better Care Playbook blog. Published September 2, 2020.
  • Morrison RS, Meier DE, Rogers M, et al. America’s Care of Serious Illness: A State-by-State Report Card on Access to Palliative Care in Our Nation’s Hospitals. New York, NY: Center to Advance Palliative Care and the National Palliative Care Research Center; 2019.
  • Silvers A, Fields T, Kytonen A, Meier DE. Medicare Advantage flexibility: improving care for seriously ill beneficiaries. Health Affairs blog. Published July 6, 2018.
  • Silvers A, Rogers M. Minimizing readmission penalties with palliative care. HFMA website. Published March 1, 2018.
  • Silvers A, Gualtieri-Reed T, Fields T. ACO/Health Plan Toolkit: Integrating Palliative Care into Population Management. January 2018.
  • Silvers A, Meier DE. SNP Alliance Issue Brief: Serious Illness Strategies for Medicare Special Needs Plans. December 2017.
  • Meier DE, Silvers A. Serious illness strategies for health plans and ACOs. CAPC website. Published August 2017.
  • Silvers A, Gualteri-Reed T, Krakauer RS, et al., Payment primer: what to know about payment for palliative care delivery. CAPC website. Published February 2017.

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Delivering Palliative Care in Rural and Safety-Net Organizations

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Allison Silvers 2023
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Allison Silvers 2023
Stacie Sinclair 2023

From the Blog

Measurement and Quality

4 Ways You Can Take Action with CAPC’s New Serious Illness Scorecard

The landscape of care for people living with serious illness has changed. New Scorecard and state reports assess nationwide capabilities and support action among palliative care champions.

Palliative Care Models

Palliative Care in the Safety Net: Advice on Ensuring Access, Quality, and Stability

Creative and practical strategies for operating palliative care programs in the health care safety net.

Payment and Program Financing

Everything You Always Wanted to Know about RVUs But Were Afraid to Ask

Exploring the history and mechanics of relative value units (RVUs) to demystify and support constructive use.

Payment, billing, and fundraising tools for inpatient and community-based palliative care programs. Includes 21 resources.
Training and clinical tools for oncology clinicians from all disciplines. Includes 26 resources.
Resources for palliative care programs working with payers and other financial collaborators, including contracting resources. Includes 14 resources.
Disruptor organizations can build skills and capabilities in palliative and geriatric care to achieve strong outcomes. Includes 17 resources.
Explore recent federal palliative care initiatives, learn about opportunities for federal action, and access guidance on policy implementation. Includes 25 resources.
Tools to help health professionals improve health equity for all people living with serious illness. Includes 49 resources.
Use this toolkit to evaluate models and design and operate a long-term care palliative care program. Includes 33 resources.
Use this toolkit to select program measures that demonstrate value and support quality care delivery. Overcome common measurement obstacles and synthesize program data. Includes 14 resources.
Toolkit for finding the right patients at the right time to address gaps in care. Includes 31 resources.
Tools for business planning, developing a program budget, and billing for pediatric palliative care services. Includes 14 resources.
A process and tools for stabilizing and strengthening palliative care programs during COVID-19. Includes 6 resources.
Improving productivity and efficiency to ensure team health and operating within budget. Includes 19 resources.
Toolkit for building a business plan and budget, forming financial partnerships, and operating the program efficiently. Includes 31 resources.
A curated collection of key articles covering palliative care needs, as well as specialty palliative care services and impact. Includes 31 resources.
Use this toolkit to develop new programs and benefits for members with serious illness while driving improvements throughout the provider network. Includes 40 resources.
Resources for delivering high-quality palliative care in the context of significant resource constraints. Includes 28 resources.
A coordinated effort to develop a national strategic plan to incentivize the delivery of high-quality care for people living with a serious illness. Includes 12 resources.
Tools for translating operational and service decisions into a realistic budget and business plan. Includes 10 resources.
Use this toolkit to learn the issues and opportunities, explore recent state initiatives, and access guidance on implementation. Includes 42 resources.
Tools for all aspects of palliative care telehealth delivery, from selecting the technology platform, to ensuring meaningful encounters, to billing appropriately. Includes 21 resources.
Tools to develop financial partnerships including: making the case, contracting considerations, and how to use legal and financial advisers. Includes 25 resources.
Tools to help payers, policymakers, and providers understand best practices for delivering quality care during a serious illness, and to identify certifications that demonstrate adherence to third-party quality standards. Includes 35 resources.
These tools can be used to make the case for palliative care investment with organization leaders, health plans, colleagues, and community partners. Includes 22 resources.

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