Complete the Palliative Pulse survey to help us better serve you.

CAPC has launched its 2025 Palliative Pulse survey and is asking all palliative care professionals to help us take the pulse of the palliative care field. Last year, more than 800 people shared their insights.

Filling out the survey helps CAPC learn more about your well-being and your team's current challenges. By completing the survey, you:

  • Contribute to a national research initiative on the state of the palliative care field
  • Shape CAPC tools and resources that directly support you and your team
  • Join a community dedicated to advancing and strengthening our field

The survey is open to ALL palliative care professionals (you do NOT need to be a CAPC member to participate). It should take less than 10 minutes to complete, and your responses are confidential unless you choose otherwise.

Complete the survey

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