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Join us for this small-group consulting call to discuss building and sustaining a stable, effective interdisciplinary team. Ask questions on topics such as hiring and onboarding, role clarity, team communication, and preventing burnout. This session is part of the Improving Team Effectiveness series.

Questions from previous sessions include:

  • What have others done to address conflict on the interdisciplinary team?
  • As a leader, what can I do to relieve team stress, to prevent burnout and turnover?
  • What factors should I consider when thinking about appropriate staffing ratios for my inpatient team?

Presented By

Virtual Office Hours

Building and Sustaining Your Hospital Palliative Care Program

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Katie DeMarco
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For Leadership: Optimizing CAPC Membership

Presented By
Maddy Jacobs 2023
Virtual Office Hours

Achieving Health Equity and Reducing Implicit Bias in Palliative Care

Free and open to all

Presented By
Brittany Chambers 2023
Karen Bullock.png
Kimberly Curseen Photo
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Marisette Hasan
Rayna Ross 2023

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