Virtual Office Hours are small-group consulting calls with leading subject matter experts. Experienced faculty will answer your questions on a wide variety of challenging topics. Stay for the whole hour, or hop on, hop off. Check the listings below for full details.
View the Virtual Event FAQ.
It has been a revelation to know there is a means of connecting with people and hearing their experiences, and being able to draw on those to inform our practice going forward.
Virtual Office Hours
The Role of Spiritual Care on the Palliative Care Team
Virtual Office Hours
Inpatient Billing and Coding
Virtual Office Hours
Breaking Point: Debriefing to Address the Challenges of Our Work
Free and open to all
Virtual Office Hours
Improving Team Effectiveness and Resilience
Virtual Office Hours
Making the Case for Palliative Care: Demonstrating Value through Measurement
Virtual Office Hours
Role of the Social Worker on the Interdisciplinary Team
Virtual Office Hours
Coaching for Emerging Leaders
Virtual Office Hours
Hospices Providing Palliative Care
Virtual Office Hours
Achieving Health Equity and Reducing Implicit Bias in Palliative Care
Free and open to all