• Thursday, September 19 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. ET

CAPC’s first annual Palliative Pulse survey captured a snapshot in time of the health of palliative care professionals and teams; trends in program activities and challenges; and innovative palliative care initiatives. Nearly 800 palliative care program leaders and team members generously shared their responses to questions such as:

  • What brings you joy in your work? What keeps you up at night?
  • What are your top three concerns for your palliative care team this year?
  • How would you describe your emotional well-being?
  • Is your program implementing changes to improve health equity?
  • For what palliative care topics do you want more information and tools?

In this briefing, CAPC leaders will share the findings and how they will shape CAPC’s road map over the next year. Join us to learn about the hot topics your colleagues are discussing, including what worries and sustains them, where program leaders are focusing their attention, and how to use available tools and resources to address common challenges.

All palliative care professionals—including leaders and team members from all disciplines and settings —are encouraged to join the briefing.

This briefing is free and open to all.

Presented By


How to Use CAPC Membership: Clinical Training

Presented By
Maddy Jacobs 2023
Sherry Cirilo
Presented By
Kimberly Curseen Photo
Kristyn Fazzalaro
Rachel Sherman

How Palliative Care Can Support Caregivers in Policy and Practice

Free and open to all

Presented By
Scott Bane
Jonathan Cottor
Salom Teshale
Stacie Sinclair 2023

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