• Tuesday, August 6 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. ET

One way we can increase access to palliative care is to get better at describing it. Based on in-depth audience research, we know what works and why. Join CAPC for a deep dive into concrete ways palliative care clinicians can influence perceptions of palliative care in their interactions with patients and families, clinical colleagues, and the public. We’ll help you develop your palliative care elevator pitch and share answers to the most frequently asked questions about communicating palliative care, increasing referrals, and using social media for positive impact.

This webinar is free and open to all.

Presented By


How to Use CAPC Membership: Clinical Training

Presented By
Maddy Jacobs 2023
Sherry Cirilo
Presented By
Kimberly Curseen Photo
Kristyn Fazzalaro
Rachel Sherman

How Palliative Care Can Support Caregivers in Policy and Practice

Free and open to all

Presented By
Scott Bane
Jonathan Cottor
Salom Teshale
Stacie Sinclair 2023

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