Christopher Jones, MD, MBA, FAAHPM
Christopher A. Jones, MD, MBA, FAAHPM is an Associate Professor and the Director of Outpatient Palliative Care for Duke Health in Durham, North Carolina. After several years at the helm of the journal Palliative Medicine Reports, Dr. Jones was named Editor in Chief of the Journal of Palliative Medicine in August 2023, succeeding Dr. Charles Von Gunten.
An expert in billing and coding in HPM, Dr. Jones serves as the Alternate Subspecialty Advisor from AAHPM to the AMA's RUC and co-leads the virtual Palliative Care Immersion Course through Four Seasons in NC, where he also acts as a consultant around billing, coding, and legal medicine. Chris partners with leaders at health systems and hospices around the country to make billing and coding approachable to clinicians from all specialties, transforming dry often painful content into a fun, engaging discussion of lightning bolts, toilet paper, and banana peels. Whether because of or in spite of his unique teaching style, Dr. Jones has won clinical teaching awards from internal medicine residents and palliative medicine fellows at Brown, Duke, and Penn.
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Billing for Community-Based Palliative Care

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Inpatient Billing and Coding

From the Blog
Key 2024 Palliative Care Billing Updates Every Provider Should Know
An overview of changes to the 2024 CMS physician fee schedule that impact palliative care billing and coding.
Let’s Shift How Palliative Care Teams are Measured and Valued
Two leaders urge the palliative care field to make the case that RVUs aren’t the best way to measure palliative care program value.