Whether you are starting a new palliative care service, defending existing resources, or considering growth strategies, you will need to make the case for the value of your program.

Your case must address impact on quality and impact on cost. Together, these concepts define the value your palliative care service brings to patients and families, referring clinicians, your organization, and payers, such as partnering health plans. Use this toolkit to learn about the evidence for the impact of palliative care on quality and costs in all care settings and to download tools and templates for making the case.

What’s in the Toolkit

Materials and key statistics on the impact of palliative care on quality, clinical operations, and costs/reimbursement.

Palliative Care Ensures Value

One-page infographic to introduce your organization leaders, referrers, and health plans to the quality, satisfaction, and utilization improvements resulting from palliative care.

The Case for Hospital Palliative Care

This publication includes key messages for health system leaders about the value of hospital palliative care, applicable across settings.

The Case for Community-Based Palliative Care

The majority of people with serious illness are neither dying nor hospitalized. So, palliative care needs to be available in all settings outside hospitals—in medical offices and clinics, in post-acute and long-term care facilities, and in patient homes. This publication includes key data on the value of community palliative care, program profiles, and a case example to use with leadership.

Pediatric Palliative Care: Making the Case

Slide presentation on the value of pediatric palliative care includes action steps to support pediatric palliative care integration with disease treatment across the continuum.

Serious Illness Strategies: Driving Value in High-Need Populations

A summary of implementation best practices for health plans and ACOs driving value in the care of high-need, seriously ill populations.

Downloadable presentations and supports designed to make the case for palliative care to financial stakeholders based on evidence and best-practice care models.

How to Show Your Administrators that Your Palliative Care Program Improves Value

Demonstrating value to leadership in a large health system with references to cost savings and metrics for providers and payers. Presenter: Thomas J. Smith, MD, FACP, FASCO, FAAHPM March 2017.

Partnership Introductory Meeting or Pitch Deck

A template presentation to introduce your services, their benefits, and your "ask" for support.

Communicating with Treating Clinicians about the Implications of Frailty

Identifying patients with frailty who are at high risk for health care utilization and adverse outcomes.

Philanthropy Strategies

A presentation clarifying how to present and request philanthropic funding for your palliative care program.

Ten Tips: How to Make the Pitch to Organizational Leaders for Community-Based Palliative Care

This document provides tips for making the case to the C-suite to support a community-based palliative care (CBPC) program.

Tools and technical assistance to guide measurement and use of data to demonstrate the value of the palliative care service to your organization, your referrers, and financial partners.

Measurement Best Practices

Use this toolkit to select program measures that demonstrate value and support quality care delivery. Overcome common measurement obstacles and synthesize program data.

Measurement Strategies that Work: How to Use Data to Build Strong Palliative Care Programs

In this webinar, speakers Lynn Hill Spragens, MBA, and Santiago Lopez, MD, introduce measurement strategies using data to build strong palliative care programs.

Hospital Palliative Care Impact Calculator

Free, interactive tool to help you estimate savings attributable to your hospital palliative care team.

How to Use CAPC's Impact Calculator

Tips for using CAPC's Impact Calculator to project hospital palliative care consult volume and cost savings.

Home-Based Palliative Care ROI Calculator

A streamlined calculator for modeling return on investment based on home-based palliative care program assumptions.

Program profiles, models of excellence, and outcomes in a range of care settings to demonstrate the feasibility, value, and reputational importance of strong palliative care teams.

Circle of Life Awards

Administered by the Health Research and Educational Trust of the American Hospital Association (AHA), the Circle of Life Awards honor innovative palliative and end-of-life care in hospices, hospitals, health care systems, long-term care facilities, and other direct care providers. The awards seek to shine a light on programs and organizations that can serve as models or inspiration for other providers.

Case Study: Trinity Health Improving Value in a Large Health System

Trinity Health's journey to expand access to specialty palliative care across settings, and train all clinicians to identify and address sources of suffering for patients with serious illness.

Case Study: ProHealth Home-based Palliative Care in an ACO

ProHealth, a multi-specialty physician practice ACO, uses home palliative care for high-need patients.

Case Study: Sharp Healthcare

Sharp Healthcare, an integrated network of hospitals and clinicians, incorporates a home palliative care intervention to meet the needs of complex patients.

Case Study: Case Manager Training in Action at Integra ACO

Training complex case managers in communication skills and deprescribing. CAPC and the Accountable Care Learning Collaborative.

Case Study: Integrating Palliative Care Into Primary Care Workflows at Mayo Clinic

Use of palliative care-trained social workers to improve primary care for people living with serious illness. CAPC and the Accountable Care Learning Collaborative.

Case Study: Moffitt Cancer Center’s Approach to Identifying Patients with High Symptom Burden

Use of screening to risk-stratify patients for palliative care based on need. CAPC and the Accountable Care Learning Collaborative.

Pediatric Palliative Care Field Guide

Catalog of resources, tools and training to promote pediatric palliative care innovation and growth.

Using Palliative Care to Improve Quality of Life and Financial Performance

In this on demand webinar, Using Palliative Care to Improve Quality of Life and Financial Performance, hear from leaders across the country as they describe their palliative care strategies.

Information for patients and families about palliative care: what it is, how it can help, and how it is delivered.

What is Palliative Care One-Pager

Handout for patients and families about how palliative care works and why it can help.


Information for patients and families about palliative care.

Use this toolkit to select program measures that demonstrate value and support quality care delivery. Overcome common measurement obstacles and synthesize program data.
Includes 14 resources:
  • How and What to Measure
  • Using Data
Improving productivity and efficiency to ensure team health and operating within budget.
Includes 19 resources:
  • Designing for Efficiency
  • Optimizing Productivity

See all 47 Toolkits

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