A coordinated, system-wide approach ensures that patients and families receive palliative care services when and where they need them. This toolkit contains guidance on organizing a health system palliative care initiative, including the CAPC tools and resources that can be used to support your palliative care strategy.

What’s in the Toolkit

Leverage CAPC tools to coordinate palliative care initiatives system-wide.

Using CAPC Membership

Leveraging CAPC membership to start a new program, grow the service or expand into new care settings, and train all clinical staff.

Trinity Health System: Transforming the Care of People Living with Serious Illness Using CAPC Membership

Trinity Health used CAPC’s evidence-based tools and best practice guidelines in each of its hospitals, and implemented a systemwide dashboard for monitoring palliative care program structure processes and performance measurement outcomes.

CAPC Membership How-To Guide for Health System CAPC Champions

Guide for Health System CAPC Champions to ensure your organization gets the maximum value and benefit from CAPC membership.

Evaluate the needs of patients with serious illness across the health system, and design a comprehensive palliative care strategy.

Health System Strategies: Using Data and Information to Prioritize Staffing and Growth

In this on demand webinar, clinical and administrative leaders share their experiences and lessons learned within health systems to develop staffing and growth plans for both inpatient and outpatient palliative care teams.

Know Your Organization: Designing a Health System Palliative Care Strategy

A guided tool for planning a health system palliative care initiative, taking into account the system's culture, structures, and processes.

Baseline Data Collection Tool: Health System Palliative Care Strategies

A checklist to organize information about each site or market within the health system to identify similarities across sites, needs, and unique strengths that should inform palliative care strategies.

Standardize best practices in the care of patients with serious illness through workforce training.

Health System Strategies: Clinician Training to Improve Patient Outcomes

How health systems can use CAPC's clinical training curriculum to strengthen care of patients with serious illness.

These tools can be used to make the case for palliative care investment with organization leaders, health plans, colleagues, and community partners.
Includes 22 resources:
  • Defining Palliative Care
  • Palliative Care Value Across Settings
  • Tools for Making the Case
  • Measurement
  • Successful Care Models
Tools to design and implement a training initiative for care teams from all specialties, to improve quality of life for patients and families living with serious illness.
Includes 27 resources:
  • The Case for Communication and Symptom Management Training
  • Clinical Training Recommendations for All Clinicians Caring for Patients with Serious Illness
  • Implementing a Training Program
  • Resources for Reinforcing Skills
  • Case Studies and Additional Resources

See all 45 Toolkits

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