Palliative care programs in rural and safety-net organizations often serve patients with intense needs, and face considerable resource constraints. Use these tools to optimize available resources, and to better balance demand with capacity.

What’s in the Toolkit

With budgets tight, teams can employ these best-practice billing, negotiating, and fundraising strategies to secure additional resources.

Bringing Palliative Care to Underserved Rural Communities

An overview of difficulties encountered by patients with serious illness in rural communities and the palliative care teams trying to help (Huff C).

Optimizing Billing Practices

Toolkit with billing and coding best practices for palliative care services delivered in the hospital or the community.

2024 Work Relative Value Units (wRVU) Table: Palliative Care and Hospice

2024 at-a-glance listing of all wRVUs relevant to palliative care.

Inpatient Billing and Coding

In this Virtual Office Hour, expert faculty will explore commonly asked inpatient palliative care billing questions and describe billing and coding practices.

Strategies for Funding Serious Illness Initiatives: Advice from Foundation Officers

Officers from national and local foundations share their insight and advice on finding, approaching, and working with funders.

Foundation Proposal Checklist

An at-a-glance overview of best practices in proposal preparation

Customizable Hospital Palliative Care Impact Calculator

Downloadable spreadsheet with embedded calculations that allow the user to input their actual salary costs and billing mix to calculate the financial impact specific to each program. Includes comparisons to key national averages.

340B Drug Pricing Program

340b is a federal pharmacy funding program. Check with your organization's pharmacy leadership to ensure inclusion, and prioritize palliative care medications.

8 Ways to Keep Your Palliative Care Program Off the Chopping Block

Tips for how to get your palliative care program off the chopping block when your organization is thinking conservatively and looking to cut costs.

Sustainability Strategies for Community-Based Palliative Care in Rural Settings

Financial blueprint for supporting rural services. Stratis Health.

Making the Case for Palliative Care: Demonstrating Value through Measurement

This Virtual Office Hour explores best practices in evaluating your program and engaging collaborators.

Tools to help triage palliative care expertise to deliver the most impact and best outcomes.

Referral Criteria for Specialty Palliative Care

Checklist of triggers for referral to a specialty palliative care team.

Improved Palliative Care Practices through Machine-Learning Prediction of 90-Day Risk of Mortality Following Hospitalization

NEJM Catalyst article describing UPMC's EHR-trigger for intermediate and high-risk patients. While they used an AI algorithm, simpler triggers based on LACE or Charlson can be used for the same process.

Charlson Comorbidity Index

Predicts risk of death within one year of hospitalization. Used by home-based palliative care programs to identify patients for enrollment.

When Palliative Care Demand Exceeds Capacity: A Virtual Panel Discussion

How palliative care program leaders throughout the country have creatively and effectively responded to an increased demand for consults.

Population Stratification Considerations

Guidance on dosing interventions allocating visit frequency based on patient risk.

As palliative care teams focus on the most complex needs, use these resources to equip other teams to deliver 'primary palliative care'.

Training All Clinicians in Essential Communication and Symptom Management Skills

Tools to design and implement a training initiative for care teams from all specialties, to improve quality of life for patients and families living with serious illness.

Conversation Script: Goals of Care

Conversation map with specific phrases to use when talking to patients about their goals of care.

Revised Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS-r)

Assesses for nine symptoms experienced by patients with serious illness and quantifies their severity. Alberta Health Services.

An Interview with Dr. Edward Machtinger: Lessons of Trauma-Informed Care

Dr. Edward Machtinger, Professor of Medicine and Director of the Women's HIV Program at UCSF, shares insight from his work in trauma-informed care, which can incorporated across disciplines and specialties. In this interview, we learn about the impact of one’s emotional, psychological, and social history, and how trauma underlies and perpetuates many serious illnesses.

Rural and safety-net professionals can hone their creativity and leadership skills to best meet current and future challenges.

I Was Never Taught These Things: Perspectives from Leaders on Program Development

This on demand webinar, I Was Never Taught These Things: Perspectives from Leaders on Program Development, is designed to help palliative care leaders navigate leadership challenges.

I Was Never Taught These Things: Leadership Skills for Running a Successful Palliative Care Program

This on-demand webinar discusses leadership skills for running a successful palliative care program. Learn more from the Center to Advance Palliative Care.

Delivering Palliative Care in Rural and Safety-Net Organizations

In this Virtual Office Hour, ask questions about serving patients in rural and safety-net organizations, including garnering resources, defining your target population, celebrating wins, and more.

Palliative Care in the Safety Net: Advice on Ensuring Access, Quality, and Stability

Creative and practical strategies for operating palliative care programs in the health care safety net.

How to Provide Effective Safety-Net Palliative Care (Recording)
This video is only available to CAPC members. Learn more about CAPC membership
Emotional PPE

Resources for improving team health and tools to help clinicians cope with moral distress, grief, and trauma.

Palliative Care State Policy

Implementing change at the state level.

Payment, billing, and fundraising tools for inpatient and community-based palliative care programs. Includes 21 resources.
Strategic planning for program growth, including making the case, demonstrating value, and strengthening relationships with partners. Includes 22 resources.
Resources for providing trauma-informed care to people living with a serious illness. Includes 25 resources.

See all 48 Toolkits

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