CAPC helps organizations to:

  • Start, sustain, and scale your palliative care program
  • Build reliable and affordable systems to identify, assess, and plan care for seriously ill patients
  • Train clinicians from all specialties and disciplines in communication skills, pain and symptom management, and family support

All staff at member organizations have free access to CAPC resources, including online courses with continuing education credits for all disciplines and ABIM Maintenance of Certification (MOC) credits for physicians.

What’s in the Toolkit

Use membership tools to build and sustain your palliative care service and to train clinicians from all specialties and disciplines to improve care for people with serious illness.

CAPC Toolkits

CAPC toolkits include technical assistance and tools for palliative care teams; serious illness strategies for health systems, health plans, and ACOs; resources for skill-building among clinicians from all specialties and disciplines; and much more.

Online Clinical Training Courses For All Clinicians

Online training curriculum for all specialties and disciplines to strengthen their care of patients living with serious illness. Free continuing education credits for all, and physicians receive ABIM MOC credits for select courses.


Presentations from national leaders on emerging topics in the field and successful palliative care program models.

Virtual Office Hours

Small-group consulting calls with national subject matter experts.

Interprofessional Grand Rounds

Presentation of complex patient cases by an interdisciplinary faculty, followed by group discussion.

CAPC Circles

CAPC Circles is an online community for palliative care professionals to network, problem solve, and generate new ideas. CAPC Circles is the place for virtual conversation among CAPC members.

First steps for getting the most out of your CAPC membership.

How to Use CAPC Membership: Clinical Training

In this webinar, learn how to use CAPC Membership by taking a tour of CAPC’s award-winning online clinical training curriculum, and more.

How to Use CAPC Membership: Program Operations

In this webinar, join us for a tour of CAPC’s extensive operational resources and events, to inform and strengthen your palliative care program.

How to Use CAPC Membership - Video

Watch this brief overview of Learn how to create a user account, access hundreds of tools, take courses to earn CE's and ABIM MOC points, register for events, and more.

How to Create a CAPC User Account and Access the Website

Instructions for creating an individual CAPC user account.

CAPC tools to spread the word about membership to staff, and to improve care quality for people living with serious illness.

For Leadership: Optimizing CAPC Membership

This Virtual Office Hour is focused on how to maximize engagement in, and realize optimal value from, your CAPC Membership.

CAPC Membership How-To Guide for Membership Administrators and CAPC Champions

Guide for Membership Administrators and CAPC Champions to ensure your organization gets the maximum value and benefit from CAPC membership.

Spread the Word Email Template

Introduce colleagues and staff to CAPC Training.

CAPC Membership Logo and Usage Recommendations

Zip file containing "Member of CAPC" logo files and recommendations for use. CAPC members can add this logo to a website, brochure, poster, etc.

All staff from member organizations have access to CAPC's online curriculum, with free continuing education credits for physicians, nurses, social workers, case managers, and licensed professional counselors, and ABIM MOC credits for physicians.

CAPC Course Catalog

Course catalog with information about continuing education credits and ABIM MOC credits for all CAPC courses.

Online Clinical Training Courses For All Clinicians

Online training curriculum for all specialties and disciplines to strengthen their care of patients living with serious illness. Free continuing education credits for all, and physicians receive ABIM MOC credits for select courses.

Downloading CAPC Member Activity Reports

Instructions for downloading CAPC membership activity reports. Center to Advance Palliative Care, 2019.

CAPC Designation Provides Standard Competencies

CAPC Designation provides standard competencies in Pain Management, Symptom Management, Communication Skills, Dementia Care, Social Work for Serious Illness, and Registered Nursing Practices for Serious Illness

Training All Clinicians in Palliative Care Skills

Tools to design and implement a training initiative for care teams from all specialties, to improve quality of life for patients and families living with serious illness.

Locating Discipline-Specific CE Requirements by State

CAPC courses can meet state continuing education requirements for physicians and other licensed clinicians, including pain management, opioid prescribing, dementia/Alzheimer's Disease, and end-of-life care.

"The Value of CAPC Membership" Presentation

Customize this PowerPoint presentation to explain the value of CAPC membership to your organizational leadership. This pitch deck shows how CAPC's training and tools will help your organization transform care for people living with serious illness and illustrates your return on investment. This information can also inform an effective grant request.


Tools to design and implement a training initiative for care teams from all specialties, to improve quality of life for patients and families living with serious illness.
Includes 27 resources:
  • The Case for Communication and Symptom Management Training
  • Clinical Training Recommendations for All Clinicians Caring for Patients with Serious Illness
  • Implementing a Training Program
  • Resources for Reinforcing Skills
  • Case Studies and Additional Resources

See all 45 Toolkits

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