Add a CAPC Designation to your LinkedIn profile to demonstrate comprehensive training in core palliative care competencies. Here’s how:

Step 1: Add Licenses and Certifications to Your Profile

  • Click the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage, then View Profile.
  • Click Add profile section, which is located below your profile picture, name, title, and connections.
  • Click the Recommended dropdown, then click Add licenses & certifications.

Step 2: Add Information about your CAPC Designation

  • Name: Enter the name of the CAPC Designation you earned (e.g., CAPC Designation: Communication Skills for Serious Illness Conversations).
  • Issuing organization: Type in Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC), and it will appear as you begin to type. Select CAPC.
  • Issue date: Add the month and year you earned CAPC Designation.
  • Expiration date: This can remain blank.
  • Credential ID: This can remain blank.
  • Credential URL: Add the corresponding curriculum URL (e.g.,
  • Skills: Add any skills that are associated with your CAPC Designation (e.g., Serious Illness Communication, Care Planning).
  • Media: Download your CAPC Designation certificate and upload it here. Edit the title of the document to the name of the CAPC Designation you earned (e.g., CAPC Designation: Communication Skills for Serious Illness Conversations).
  • Click Save.

Once you have saved your CAPC Designation, it will appear on your profile under Licenses & Certifications as shown below.

LinkedIn CAPC Designation Example

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