Access to palliative care services results in improvement on quality measures, reduction in spending, and relief of suffering for members and their families. In addition to the general guidance and case studies available in CAPC’s Population Management and Palliative Care toolkit, health plans can use the resources below to develop new programs and benefits for members with serious illness while simultaneously driving improvements throughout their provider network.

What’s in the Toolkit

Best practices for systematically improving value in the care of people living with one or more serious illness, gleaned from health systems, health plans, and accountable care organizations (ACOs) from across the country.

Serious Illness Strategies: Driving Value in High-Need Populations

A summary of implementation best practices for health plans and ACOs driving value in the care of high-need, seriously ill populations.

Best Practices in Serious Illness Care for MA Plans and ACOs

A summary of do's and don'ts for serious illness care across four key strategies. CAPC and Better Care Playbook

Use these tools for early, proactive identification and assessment to uncover potential areas of distress.

Proactive Patient Identification for Health Plans and ACOs: A Guide

Best practices in how to use data sources, such as claims or medical records, to identify patients who are most likely to benefit from palliative care.

Sample Diagnoses Codes to Identify Patients Living with Serious Illness

Population health entities can use this list to proactively identify people with potentially unmet palliative care needs. Additional screening will be necessary.

Serious Illness Questions for EMR

An adaptation of Ariadne Conversation Guide to build into a health system EMR. Ariadne Labs and Integra ACO.

How Medicare Advantage Could Address Pain Inequities for Black Patients Living with Serious Illness

A summary of racial pain assessment and management disparities, and the opportunities for Medicare Advantage plans to mitigate them, even in the face of state opioid restrictions (Silvers et al.).

Screening and Assessment for Key Gaps in Care

Screening questions and burden assessments for case management of people with serious illness.

Patient Identification and Assessment

Toolkit for finding the right patients at the right time to address gaps in care.

Guidance and tools to ensure access to specialty palliative care services for members living with serious illness.

Home-based Palliative Care Program Credentialing Recommendations

Recommended capabilities and competencies for payers and policymakers to contract with quality programs.

Short-Term Home-Based Palliative Care Benefits

Examples of benefits currently in use, focusing on interventions of less than three months.

Home-Based Palliative Care ROI Calculator

A streamlined calculator for modeling return on investment based on home-based palliative care program assumptions.

Building an Actuarial Model for Home-Based Palliative Care

Presentation to Society of Actuaries on calculations for case rate payment.

Purchaser Toolkit for High-Quality Serious Illness Care

Tools for employers and other collaborators to specify required benefits and network competencies. Catalyst for Payment Reform and Center to Advance Palliative Care, 2018.

Eliminating Cost Sharing for Palliative Care and Advance Care Planning

A summary of guidance from health plans on identifying palliative care services and ensuring those services are not subject to deductibles and co-pays.

Sample ACP Payment Policy

A resource providing a sample provider-sponsored health plan's ACP payment policy.

Sample Palliative Care Payment Policy

This document provides a sample provider-sponsored health plan's palliative care payment policy.

Resources for identifying in-network or regional palliative care specialists, and for improving the communication and symptom management skills of all network providers.

Hospital Palliative Care Incentive Programs

A blog describing two straight-forward and effective programs, one at Anthem Inc and one Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, incentivizing access to palliative care in network hospitals.

Addressing Health Disparities in End-of-Life Care

Presentation from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation featuring CAPC, delivered to participants in the hospice benefit component of the Value-Based Insurance Design (VBID) Model.

Recommended Quality Measures

Measures that can be used by payers and policymakers to ensure quality care for people living with serious illness.

Recommended Standards for Hospitals and SNFs

Structures and processes that all hospitals and skilled nursing facilities need to assure access to high-quality care for people with serious illness.

Tips for Network Provider Engagement in Training

How to engage clinicians in communication and symptom management skills training initiatives using CAPC's online courses.

Care Managers in both health plans and ACOs are best positioned to identify unmet palliative care needs and coordinate across providers to align care with patient goals.

Screening and Assessment for Key Gaps in Care

Screening questions and burden assessments for case management of people with serious illness.

Best Practices in Telephonic Care Management

Summary of care management strategies for members living with a serious illness, from preparing for the call to working with treating teams.

Best Practices in Initial Patient Outreach

Advice from successful programs on how to make "cold calls" to patients identified to benefit from your services.

Sample Script and Guidance: Cold-Calling Patients to Initiate Advance Care Planning

This script for care managers provides guidance and sample language to use when calling without a prior relationship to begin care planning for patients with serious illness.

Aetna Compassionate Care Program

The pioneering example of using palliative care principles in health plan case management. The program resulted in both high member satisfaction rates and cost savings.

Optimizing Care Management for People with Serious Illness

This on-demand webinar features two leading health plans that have adapted care management staff and processes to meet the unique needs of members/patients with serious illness.

Foundational Skills for Care Managers

This Learning Pathway contains a comprehensive set of training and tools to help care managers address the unique needs of patients and families living with serious illness.

Learn from early adopters and jump-start population management efforts using recommended methods for patient identification, risk stratification, assessment, case management, and quality measurement.

Case Study: ProHealth Home-based Palliative Care in an ACO

ProHealth, a multi-specialty physician practice ACO, uses home palliative care for high-need patients.

Case Study: Sharp Healthcare

Sharp Healthcare, an integrated network of hospitals and clinicians, incorporates a home palliative care intervention to meet the needs of complex patients.

Case Study: Case Manager Training in Action at Integra ACO

Training complex case managers in communication skills and deprescribing. CAPC and the Accountable Care Learning Collaborative.

Case Study: Moffitt Cancer Center’s Approach to Identifying Patients with High Symptom Burden

Use of screening to risk-stratify patients for palliative care based on need. CAPC and the Accountable Care Learning Collaborative.

Case Study: Mercy Health: Virtual Palliative Care Add-on

Mercy Health, a 135,000 lives ACO, added in palliative care consultations virtually to the top 5% of its virtual complex care patients.

Home-Based Palliative Care Program Summaries

An excerpt from CAPC's Home-based Guide, at-a-glance review of program models.

Aetna's Compassionate Care Program: Sustained Value for Our Members with Advanced Illness

An analysis of a health plan-led program of communication interventions and connection to palliative care and hospice, resulting in a significant decline in acute care utilization (Baquet-Simpson et al.).

Hospital Palliative Care Incentive Programs

A blog describing two straight-forward and effective programs, one at Anthem Inc and one Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, incentivizing access to palliative care in network hospitals.

Case Study: Integrating Palliative Care Into Primary Care Workflows at Mayo Clinic

Use of palliative care-trained social workers to improve primary care for people living with serious illness. CAPC and the Accountable Care Learning Collaborative.

Case Study: OSF Healthcare

OSF, a large, faith-based health system, implements a systemwide Advance Care Planning Initiative. CAPC and the Accountable Care Learning Collaborative.

Mini-Case Study: Anthem

Anthem, a health plan operating across 14 states, includes palliative care structure and process measures in its quality incentive program for network hospitals.

Case Study: Advancing Coordinated Palliative Care during a Pandemic: Hudson Headwaters Health Network

A document detailing how Hudson Headwaters, a rural ACO covering 125,000 lives, deployed competent communicators to network facilities to significantly reduce avoidable hospital transfers.

Case Study: Payer-Led ACP at Dean Health Plan

A document detailing how Dean Health Plan, a large HMO in the midwest, successfully identified and engaged members in goals of care and advance care planning conversations.

Serious Illness Strategies Medicare Advantage Learning Community

CAPC has convened Medicare Advantage and ACO organizations for an in-depth learning experience on the four Serious Illness Strategies.

Toolkit for finding the right patients at the right time to address gaps in care.
Includes 31 resources:
  • For Inpatient Providers
  • For Community-Based Providers
  • For Systems, Plans, and Accountable Care Organizations
  • Clinical Assessment Tools
  • Screening for Social Needs
  • Information for Patients about Palliative Care

See all 45 Toolkits

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