Improving care quality for people living with a serious illness is everybody's job. It requires an organizational commitment to train clinicians from all specialties and disciplines in essential skills, including communication and shared decision-making; pain and symptom management; and caregiver support.

Use this toolkit to make the case for training, develop and implement a training initiative using CAPC’s clinical training courses, and reinforce the skills gained.

What’s in the Toolkit

Training in communication and symptom management addresses the key gaps in care that lead to avoidable health care utilization and poor patient experiences.

The Case for Improving Communication and Symptom Management Skills

This publication makes the case for training both palliative care and nonpalliative care specialists in communication and symptom management skills. Training in these skills results in measurably better quality of care, improved patient and family experience, and more time spent at home and out of hospitals.

Anticipated Outcomes of CAPC Clinical Training

Skill development can improve both patient and clinician satisfaction, decrease adverse opioid events, reduce risks for older adults, and create a common culture of person-centered care.

Locating Discipline-Specific CE Requirements by State

CAPC courses can meet state continuing education requirements for physicians and other licensed clinicians, including pain management, opioid prescribing, dementia/Alzheimer's Disease, and end-of-life care.

Use CAPC's clinical training recommendations as a skills-building roadmap to improve person-centered care delivery for people with serious illness.

Online Clinical Training Courses For All Clinicians

Online training curriculum for all specialties and disciplines to strengthen their care of patients living with serious illness. Free continuing education credits for all, and physicians receive ABIM MOC credits for select courses.

Clinical Training Recommendations for All Clinicians Caring for Adult Patients with Serious Illness

CAPC's clinical training recommendations, by discipline, for improving outcomes and providing person-centered care for people with serious illness.

Clinical Training Recommendations for All Clinicians Caring for Pediatric Patients with Serious Illness

CAPC's clinical training recommendations, by discipline, for improving outcomes and providing person-centered care for pediatric patients with serious illness.

Transforming the way we care for patients and families living with serious illness takes organizational commitment and planning. Develop a strategy to train all clinicians in critical skills using CAPC's continuing education curriculum.

CAPC Curriculum - Continuing Education Credits Overview

Course catalog for CAPC's clinical training curriculum. All courses provide continuing education credits for physicians, nurses, social workers, and care managers from all specialties and are free for CAPC members.

CAPC Designation Provides Standard Competencies

CAPC Designation provides standard competencies in Pain Management, Symptom Management, Communication Skills, Dementia Care, Social Work for Serious Illness, and Registered Nursing Practices for Serious Illness

CAPC Training Assignments

A convenient and effective way for organizations to achieve their skill-building goals.

Tips for Staff Engagement in Training

How to engage staff in a clinical training initiative using CAPC's online courses.

Interprofessional Clinical Education Design for Palliative Care

A self-study tutorial on interprofessional clinical education design related to the care of people with serious illness.

Sample Proposal for a Training Pilot

Customizable proposal to leadership to conduct a clinical training pilot using CAPC courses.

Completing online courses substantially expands knowledge and skills, while these resources can help learners to bridge that knowledge to action.

Tips for Reinforcing Clinical Skills

Clinicians need opportunities to practice the skills they develop using online courses. These are tips for fitting practice into daily operations.

VitalTalk - Quick Guides

One-page guides with actionable tips for conversations with patients with serious illness. Free to download, print and share with others.

Empathetic Responses Guide

This resource provides practical samples of empathic responses to use in conversations with patients and families, as well as template responses to challenging questions. Developed by VitalTalk.

Goals of Care Conversation: Role Play

In this video, Kacey Boyle, RN, MSPC, leads us through an example of a goals of care conversation between a clinician and a patient.

Conversation Script: Goals of Care

This conversation script provides skills and techniques for conducting goals of care conversations with patients, regardless of the existing clinician-patient relationship.

Talking to Patients About Hospice: Role Play

In this video, Jonathan Fisher, MD, leads us through a mock conversation between a patient whose illness has progressed, and a clinician who explains the benefits of hospice care.

Conversation Script: Talking to Patients About Hospice

This communication script provides techniques for clinicians to foster meaningful conversations about hospice.

Analgesics Fact Sheet

When to use - and when to avoid - 6 classes of analgesics including acetaminophen, NSAIDs, opioids, antiepileptics, antidepressants, and corticosteroids.

Prescribing Opioids: A Pocket Reference

Opioid pocket reference for providers including safe starting doses, equianalgesic chart, and standard dosing strengths.

Key Takeaways for Care Managers: Reducing Risks for Older Adults

A care manager specific list of risk reduction tips for the care of older adults.

Organizations working to improve the skills of their workforce can learn from the successes of others.

Innovators in Clinical Training

Explore how leaders around the country are educating clinicians across their organizations in essential communication and symptom management skills.

Case Study: Trinity Health Improving Value in a Large Health System

Trinity Health's journey to expand access to specialty palliative care across settings, and train all clinicians to identify and address sources of suffering for patients with serious illness.

Training Hospice Clinicians Using CAPC's Online Curriculum

A case study from Bluegrass Care Navigators.

Engaging Hospital Leadership and Clinicians for Widespread Palliative Care Education

How the palliative care team at Butler Memorial Hospital engaged hospital leadership and all clinical staff at Butler to take CAPC clinical training courses.

Success Stories From CAPC's First Tipping Point Challenge

This competition facilitated the spread of expert communication and symptom management skills across specialties and disciplines. See how the winning organizations used CAPC's clinical training courses to meet the challenge.

Use this toolkit to develop new programs and benefits for members with serious illness while driving improvements throughout the provider network.
Includes 42 resources:
  • Comprehensive Guidance
  • Population Identification and Assessment
  • Specialty Palliative Care Services and Benefits
  • Provider Network Strategies
  • The Role of Care Managers
  • Case Studies
Toolkit containing guidance on organizing a health system palliative care initiative, including the CAPC tools and resources that can be used to support a palliative care strategy.
Includes 7 resources:
  • Get the Most Out of CAPC Membership
  • Know Your Organization's Strengths and Gaps
  • Skills-Building for All Clinicians

See all 45 Toolkits

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